Based @QMUL, People’s Palace Projects is an arts research centre engaging with questions of social justice through the power of the arts. #ArtsAgainstAdversity
Jun 27, 2018 • 175 tweets • 32 min read
Delegates are leaning forward for a day of conversations about Policy in Cultural Relations in partnership with @brBritish@QMULsed
Simon Dancey @LibertadorCymru opens the debate. How can the elite networks of government officials, NGO's, academics and consultants who construct cultural policy become less self-referential and more open to wider influences, especially to the voices who challenge?
May 4, 2018 • 31 tweets • 8 min read
Good afternoon and welcome to the third in our seminar series this week on Creative Economy research, policy and exchange - in partnership today with @NetworkCentre, @ContactMcr and @UoMNews. This afternoon we will be discussing how we measure the value of cultural activity.
But everyone in the Samuel Alexander lecture theatre at @Uomnews needs coffee, and a chance to talk to all the interesting people they've been hearing from, before we dive deeper into the Relative Values research methodology with @neccult and People's Palace Projects.
May 1, 2018 • 163 tweets • 42 min read
Welcome back to the @QMUL day of our #CreativeEconomy Networks - Research, Policy and Exchange event in partnership with @brBritish, @NetworkCentre and showcasing research funded by @ahrcpress and @NewtonFund and with the support of @Culturarj. Morag Shiach welcomes delegates ...
@QMUL Principal Colin Bailey shares his pride in Queen Mary’s three-cornered achievement in research, public engagement and the diversity and quality of its student body. As an engineer, he pushed hard for #CreativeEconomy’s inclusion in the UK Industrial Strategy.
Apr 30, 2018 • 128 tweets • 36 min read
Kicking off our #CreativeEconomy Networks day in Stour Space hosted by @CreativeWick and in partnership with @NetworkCentre, @QMUL, @ahrcpress and @brBritish with a welcome from Will Chamberlain focusing on local creative initiatives and interOlympic exchanges with Brazil
Tim Clement-Jones, Chair of Council @QMUL, reflects that until recently the contribution of the creative industries to the UK economy has been underestimated but this is starting to change, with @ahrcpress funding research to build a crucial evidence base & build new employment