On Post @ReaderAdrift
Come join.
Not a Republic if we can't keep it.
If you believe in #SeparationOfChurchAndState fight for it. Urgently.
Apr 19, 2018 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
This is a common mindset on the religious right. Here's former Health secretary Tom Price on #opiod treatment
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by @ReaderAdrift view original on Twitter
Here's Sonny Perdue reacting to drought as Governor of Georgia, he is now our Secretary of Agriculture
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by @ReaderAdrift view original on Twitter
Apr 5, 2018 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Mercer/Bannon's Islamophobia is vastly undereported. This is not 'economic populism'
More importantly THIS is not 'economic populism':
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by @ReaderAdrift view original on Twitter
Mar 1, 2018 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
There is a very disturbing relationship between religion and guns in the US, driven by the NRA, embraced in some religious circles. This is more widespread than most realize: #Rinaldi TX Republican just threatened to put a bullet through a colleague's head:
Feb 23, 2018 • 14 tweets • 8 min read
#Pruitt is a regular attendee of the weekly Bible Study run by the highly politicized Evangelical Capitol Ministries. Here is their sermon on environmentalism. Folks really need to understand what is happening here. #ScienceMatterscapmin.org/coming-to-grip… …
This goes throughout this administration. This is not 'economic populism' #Pence /1 theintercept.com/2016/11/15/mik… …