How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App📁📁 The Nixon/Kennedy & Clinton/Trump parallels are striking Page(Male-1) worked undercover for John Carlin & Preet Bharara in SDNY to bust Evgeny BURYAKOV a Russian Spy from 2013-March16 (month he joined Trump as an adviser None of this required sophisticated capabilities, and there is no evidence Russia successfully influenced a single voter, let alone influenced the outcome of the election.
Tahani continues “Where is Germany, England and France in this and where is the U.S.A.? What has been spent on the organization by Arabia in order to seize power?"
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2/ Deutsche paid more than 9 $billion for conspiring to manipulate gold & silver prices,defrauding mortgage companies & violating U.S. sanctions by trading in Iran, Syria, Libya, Myanmar & Sudan!
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