Rich Harris Profile picture
Open sourceror. I make graphics at the @nytimes
Jul 18, 2018 12 tweets 3 min read
Happy to oblige! The biggest reason that a few frameworks dominate the landscape is probably straightforward inertia. Most devs (those of use who chat about this stuff on Twitter are NOT representative) don't want to investigate and learn alternatives; they have better things 1/ to do, and engineering PMs aren't picking the 'best' technology, they're picking the safe one that means they'll be able to hire some poor sap to maintain everything a couple of years down the line. Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM. These dynamics favour incumbents. 2/
Oct 26, 2017 13 tweets 2 min read
It took the whole day, but I finally got a simple Node app to work that requires you to log in with your Twitter account. So now, a rant: Maybe I'm just a shitty programmer, but this stuff is *unbelievably complicated*. Let's start with Twitter's API documentation, which