How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Frank Press (NAS prez, Carter science advisor) wrote 1989: new paper by @animohan11 & Wehnert, data suggests India has re-carbonized (CO2/GDP) by 4% since 2011 follow up on @JoanCWilliams @WSJ op-ed today ... compare these word clouds between Obama announcing entry into Paris Agreement & Trump announcing withdrawal. One speaks to elites, the other to working class. prediction evaluation results through R16 ⤵️
“If we get too pessimistic, we just get stupid”
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2⃣Regardless intent, the IAAF T regulations are focused on regulating testosterone levels, they are not focused on regulating any other biological characteristic or metric. To suggest (as IAAF has in this statement) that IAAF is regulating "DSD" is an improper bait and switch.
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