Sue Fletcher-Watson Profile picture
Part-time tweeter. Follow @smrcresearch and / or @supertroopedin for more. And find me on BlueSky
Sep 21, 2018 22 tweets 13 min read
OK folks... I've been waiting a few weeks to do this... Strap in!

Our cover story on DIVERSITY COMPUTING is now open access in @TheOfficialACM Interactions magazine - link below.

Here's a thread about this exciting new vision for tech #DivComp… First things first. The ideas in this paper and this htread came from a serious of thrilling and inventive conversations and writing-sessions with @theblub @cfrauenberger @MauriceMagnee @participha and others not on twitter - especially Juan Ye from @univofstandrews
Mar 21, 2018 20 tweets 5 min read
A thread on how to access journal articles, for people who don't have access via an employer...

Obv open access is best, but in the meantime, here are some get-arounds, since I've seen a few folks on here struggling to locate articles / coming up against paywalls First and most likely to be successful, email the author.

The journal article page will normally include author details.

If not, a google of their full name plus one or two keywords from the article will turn up an institutional webpage with their email address