How to get URL link on Twitter App These people have been taught to embrace “their truth”. I’ve heard this term bandied about all over the place, even by conservatives, because it has become part of what is considered intellectual political discourse. And... it is total crap. Thus making the viewer more suggestible. It is a trick to use different people in the video as it gives the subconscious the impression that a large number of people support the assertions of the video. This has a triple whammy impact upon the subject. To me, it symbolised the idea that my country had a powerful ally that would come to my country’s aid in times of trouble. It symbolised the idea that democracy and freedom were ideals that were worth defending. The DNC & other Deep State actors - including [RR] want us to believe that this scene is what access to the Wikileaks #PodestaEmails looked like. Substitute the hackers for Russians & the victims for a clueless idiot who used “password” as his password. Next
2. A plan B perhaps 🤔
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If nothing shows, it may have been deleted
by @jackposobiec view original on Twitter
2. Not only will the top tiers of the pyramid fall, they will do so in spectacular fashion because those who were holding them up will be removed. First it will be one at a time, so that it’s barely noticeable. Then sections at a time so that only the load bearers remain.
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If nothing shows, it may have been deleted
by @flmel69 view original on Twitter