Tara Copp Profile picture
@AP Pentagon Correspondent Contact me: Tcopp@AP.org
Aug 3, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Friday at 6:15 a.m. @ICEgov will begin the deportation of military wife Alejandra Juarez. She contacted me out of the blue months ago, after we wrote about the wife of a 7th Soecial Forces vet who got a last minute reprieve. It was her last hope. Other media followed (more) I live in DC, where we stand for veterans & military families in the 3rd inning at every #Nationals home game. It’s a stark contradiction to the vitriol I heard about Alejandra. It didn’t matter that her husband was an honorably serving Marine, or that he later deployed to #Iraq
Dec 29, 2017 5 tweets 3 min read
I've just been informed by the great .@LeoShane that I did, in fact, screw up Tweet-threading again. My apologies ... so here's everything from #SecDef in one thread: 1: #SecDef spent almost an hour w/ the Pentagon Press before new year. Stories TK, but some takeaways: 1.) Look for more general purpose forces to be trained/used for roles that have drained SF 2.) W/ transgender, he would not single out or issue specific welcome (more) 1/of many