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Oct 4, 2018 28 tweets 6 min read
"One of the first questions, any Indian gets asked when abroad, is about the bindi. Of all the various answers that are possible, the most definite one is that a bindi is considered auspicious among Hindus , even by those who do not sport it!" 1/n Even within the country there are people who question it’s need find it to be obsolete an incongruous tribal marking in this day and age; however one looks at it, it is lack of understanding of what the bindi entails, it’s purpose, it’s symbolism, it’s health benefits if any 2/n
Sep 15, 2018 291 tweets >60 min read
flying into Siem Reap was like entering India of the 80s, in some rural hinterland; farms, labour, small town - yet the airport and the city was anything but - very proud of its past and overtly so. naagaas, apsaraas, Rama, Hanuman, Narayana, and Bayon faces everywhere you look get used to him, he greets you at the airport. while I see some non-local film actor when I land in Hyd!
Aug 4, 2018 84 tweets 21 min read
Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Anaikatti, abode of Vedanta learning. Rural, rustic, no frills, traditional, in-depth and heaven on earth! Sri gurubhyo namaha! Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati ji taught here, my alma mater. Celebrated Kumbhabhishekam, Guru Poornima, attended Vedanta camp medhaa dakshiNaamoorty and gnyaaneshwari...eyes never tire of having their darshan
May 15, 2018 36 tweets 9 min read
thank you @khatvaanga for a wonderfully organized mahaarudram and sahasra gaNapati atharvasheersham last weekend at Rajdhani Mandir. back-breaking work obviously, try organizing a mammoth event like this!