Todd Ruger Profile picture
Legal affairs staff writer for CQ Roll Call (@cqnow, @rollcall). Supreme Court, Congress, DOJ. Header photo: @pennstatetom. My book:
Sep 13, 2018 14 tweets 8 min read
Aaaand #Kavanaugh has returned answers for all these questions in a 263 page document. Put on some coffee and let's go through them.… Kavanaugh answers a question from @SenFeinstein about his use of the term "abortion-inducing drugs," which was tweeted about by Hillary Clinton and others. Only recounting plaintiff's assertions, he says.
Sep 11, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
House Judiciary has *quite* a federal courts bill on the agenda for Thursday: 52 new district judges, SCOTUS real time audio w/in 2 years; video streaming of all appeals court proceedings w/in 2 years, SCOTUS justices must explain recusals on website (!)… And there's another bill to add five more appeals court judges to the 9th Circuit and break it into four divisions (Northern, Middle, Southern and Circuit).…