Pam Campos🦋 Profile picture
Sep 11, 2018 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
9/11 is a tough mixed bag but ultimately it’s all hard.

A reminder that we are complex beings and although trauma makes it more difficult, we can hold multiple competing thoughts at once. /1 I continually feel a lot of complicated thoughts about the traumatic event that terrorized entire people’s and lost us so many brave emergency responders. I abhor the violence & bigotry bred from that trauma that continues to be pervasive. /2
Aug 2, 2018 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
“My biggest fear is my Commander will call ICE”

Unfuckingbelievable. This kind of scapegoating and betrayal after giving up your life to become part of the shrinking pool of people who serve in uniform, is unconscionable and dangerous #WhereisMattis #VetsAgainstTrump What is unfathomable is the hypocrisy. This soldier clearly passed the Army’s standards & requirements- around training, health, behavior/comportment- kept her nose clean, did her job for 4 yrs. All just for this soldier to be kicked out w no real cause & risk #deportation.