Abraham Gutman Profile picture
Civil courts reporter @PhillyInquirer. Immigrant assimilating to Philly sports. עדיין סובל מהפועל תל אביב.
Sep 27, 2018 177 tweets 62 min read
At @OSULawDEPC for the @DrugPolicyOrg @acluohio conference From Punishment to Public Health. I am going to tweet a lot about drug policy in the next two days. I know many people want to focus right now on the critical moment the nation is going through, feel free to mute me. First speaker, opening keynote, is @SamuelKRoberts: “the War on Drugs has been fairly effective at what it was designed to do, which is to rationalize increasing inequality in health, education, labor, and opportunity in the post-1973 American economy.”
Aug 26, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
“He’s an Arab”

“No ma’am, he’s a decent family man...”

I genuinely don’t understand what is so inspiring about this moment. “He’s not Arab, he is a decent man” is not shutting down racism — it is racism. Many people responded to this saying that McCain spoke off the cuff to a comment that he wasn't prepared for. Did you all spend 2008 under a rock or have you just forgotten? Obama being a Muslim/Arab/not-American/terrorist was a main issue in the campaign.
Jan 31, 2018 11 tweets 7 min read
Attorney general @JoshShapiroPA said today, "I guess while some studies show that the sites may offer some benefit to those facing addiction, I don’t think there’s clear evidence"

This argument needs to be put to rest. Evidence on safe-injection site is overwhelming. Thread. A systematic review of 75 articles on safe-injection sites concluded that "the implementation of new safe-injection sites in places with high rates of injection drug use and associate harms appears to be supported by evidence": ac.els-cdn.com/S0376871614018…
Dec 2, 2017 56 tweets 12 min read
I hate each and every member of the @SenateGOP who voted yes on the #TaxScamBill .@SenAlexander I hate you.
Sep 22, 2017 42 tweets 9 min read
Starting today, every Friday I will share a few graphs to debunk a myth about social and racial inequality. Let's start! This week: the American mantra that if you study hard, work hard, and get a good job everything is possible regardless of race.