How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Hip Hop is as a matter of fact a fusion of both BlackAm culture and that of Caribbean immigrants to theNY (see Can’t Stop Won’t Stop for a good history of this) just to illustrate the point here are just a few of the Caribbean-American Hip Hop pioneers off my head.. is the second largest market in the world for Black Am culture not just because of the ‘special relationship’ nor just cos of UK subsidiary’s of Universal but also bcos of decades of marketing that culture here by African/Caribbean migrants. Let’s take Hip Hop: black uni students involved in violent crime? Footballers? Doctors? Grannies? Or is it same demographic in black communities as others: Men/boys aged 15-25 from the poorest families, within poorest communities often with a history of familial abuse/expulsion frm school. is also bigotry/idiocy and blind spots from BA toward immigrants, Americans living and working abroad in 'other people's' countries and a long tradition black migrants behaving quite differently see: UNIA, Malcolm, Stokely, Kool Herc, KRS, Biggies mummy etc etc part about all these 'diaspora war' idiots is that they are so eager to show us all how much history they don't read.... this idiot realised (and why tweet got deleted) is the following: