Arisa Cox Profile picture
IG: arisaroo | Noted Nerd | Wifey & Mum x 3 | Host & Executive Producer, Big Brother Canada | #YouCanAndYouWill
Sep 20, 2017 10 tweets 6 min read
Finale thread: We're in for a messy night and a live jury, folks! Paul's the clear fave going in, but let's talk scenarios, shall we? #BB19 Scenario 1: Paul wins Final HOH, takes Josh. Never OTB, controlled every HOH, speaks from the heart. Game recognizes game, Paul wins #BB19
Sep 18, 2017 8 tweets 5 min read
#BB19 Thread: 1. Something as small (and massive) as playing dumb in goodbye mssgs could kill Paul's killer game. Huge mistake. 2. People don't always remember what you said, but how you made them feel. If HGs feel like fools the second they walk into Jury... #BB19