How to get URL link on Twitter App think all should do it. the Senate wants to establish norms and expectations about what it will and won’t do in nominations, I’m all for that. I wrote a whole book arguing for it, in fact. But you can’t refuse to hold a hearing for one highly qualified nominee and then... if you hate the guy, take a deep breath and consider: Kavanaugh is a very good lawyer. Very good. He was being asked about matters he knew were going to come up. He was being asked about prior testimony that took place more than a decade ago. He had time to prepare. don't back off what I said yesterday but my regard for both Jack and Eugene is such that I assume that if they could misread me so completely, others no doubt did as well. So please indulge me a few words of clarification., understand that the time and energy you spend denouncing those who would work with you on the central challenge of our time is counterproductive., "Those who stand against Trump will move on to many different things when he's gone": Yes. We will. Those who stand against Trump come from left, right, and center. What unites them is anti-authoritarianism and democratic pre-politics, not a specific political program. here’s an interview with myself about every fact about me and this conspiracy theory contained in her article. I put this out there not because it’s interesting but because if Comet Pizza and QAnon show anything, it’s that it’s not a good idea to let conspiracy theories fester note on Kris’s first point, that the disclosure of a FISA application is alone monumental, even if redacted heavily, as this one is:“I hardly knew her. She only ran my campaign for 49 days.”