Personal acct. Journalist/historian/humanist; #NAFO 🇺🇦Views my OWN not ANY U.S. govt agency/ANYTHING/1. RT/≠agree
Sep 23, 2018 • 20 tweets • 17 min read
THREAD! 1-A number of experts are saying the recent @nytimes@ScottShaneNYT@MarkMazzettiNYT BIG #Trump-#Russia piece is one of the best pieces of journalism in recent years, and IT SURE IS. I had three levels of reaction to this as someone who has closely analyzed this topic.
2-1st, I was OVERJOYED that 1 of the best newspapers FINALLY gave 2 of their best journalists go-ahead & space to cover the #Trump-#Russia the only way it can be properly understood: a deep-dive detailed look at big, overall picture over time. Our society is better off for it!