Linux Geek, Bookworm, Secular Buddhist, Kettlebells, DevOps, Sysadmin, Socialist, Antifa
Sep 19, 2018 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
The concepts of doing well by doing good, impact investment funds & the like substitute "generosity" for "justice". Justice often requires the powerful to lose something, to stop standing on someone's back. 1/x
Generosity in this context is like continuing to stand on someone's back while throwing them a bone. Generosity of this kind where the system doesn't change but scraps are thrown has become a very powerful idea. 2/x
Jul 4, 2018 • 254 tweets • >60 min read
“What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” Frederick Douglass July 5, 1852 Mr. President, Friends and Fellow Citizens:
He who could address this audience without a quailing sensation, has stronger nerves than I have. I do not remember ever to have appeared as 1/
a speaker before any assembly more shrinkingly, nor with greater distrust of my ability, than I do this day. A feeling has crept over me, quite unfavorable to the exercise of my limited powers of speech. 2/