Chef Patriot Profile picture
Trying to offer civil discourse to liberals.
May 17, 2018 6 tweets 6 min read
1) So I was thinking what the best way to start #redpilled people in different ways. There is a fight to free people from from the MSM, If you want to do it in different ways, need to look at ways to reach people that are not normal. So how bout hitting pop culture aspects... 2) The @FBI labeled Juggalos as Gang Members so why not have @realDonaldTrump get rid of that label. Then announce it at the Gathering (@thegotj ) boom, broadcasted on all platforms, to thousands.…
Apr 11, 2018 61 tweets 44 min read
1) It is time for a Revival of Entertainment, something we all know and love. Something that has been lost for a while. We see how well @Marvel is doing with it's @netflix shows, well @Hasbro is sitting on a gold mine with GI JOE. I have written a series that would bring it 2) Back!! We should be honoring our #Vets and Service men and women with shows that would make the youth proud of where they are from. I loved rooting for GI JOE, and the show was a sense of enjoyment, it brought about leadership, & everyone worked for a common goal to end evil