human + disability rights activist | cofounder bolshy divas | social media assassin | cripchick | disability consultant | views are my own | sam-i-AM
Sep 20, 2018 • 37 tweets • 9 min read
This is a thread for those who don't know about how the NDIA is rationing or capping funding for disabled people and I suggest you folks in policy follow along closely. Because we people on the ground do. Tagging @NDIS for transparency, @NDISDeane, @DarrenODonovan, @rhondagalb2/ Let's talk about SIL. That's Supported Independent Living, for those who do not know this.
The information in the thread below is from disabled people, families and people working in the sector every day - @SquigglyRick, you should also play along.
Jun 28, 2018 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
My son, last night. Talks to me about Jordan Peterson, then suddenly, alarmingly, switches to denounce Islam.
We talk long into the night. He did not know that we live less than 30mins from a detention centre. Horrified.
You will not radicalise my child in his own bedroom.
2/ 'If they are not doing anything wrong, why do we lock them up?' Because they are not like us, son. 'But Islam is a violent religion. Do you know about the Quoran? The refugees are all Muslims. They could be criminals.'
Many of the men in detention are from NZ, son.
Apr 26, 2018 • 26 tweets • 12 min read
Let's talk about the F word.
The NDIS had a proposed Medicare levy increase, which the original proponents of the levy welcomed.
I understand that some dis org may not understand this issue. However, it is not the job of activists to spend time ploughing through reports. 2/ You need to read the Productivity Commission's Oct 17 report (screenshot above, blind folks, too long 2 describe… ) And you also need to pay more attention. The way they are limiting & capping the scheme is well known and it is at the directive of govt
Mar 16, 2018 • 23 tweets • 9 min read
Hey @CarersAustralia ! What are you doing about the fact that DSS seem to have, by stealth, introduced the 'you need to tell us if you have NDIS because it may affect your Carers Payment' - despite all the assurances to the contrary people received? Did you know?
2/ Given that the support you receive from NDIS is supposed to bridge the gap between a disabled life and an ordinary life and is not taxable income, how does this work? We understand that Carers Payment is assessed as 'full time caring' - but is that a 24 hour commitment?