Daniel Goldman Profile picture
Fmr Sr Advisor and Dir of Investigations (Maj), HPSCI, @MSNBC Legal Analyst, and AUSA, SDNY (2007-2017); proud husband and father of 5.
2 subscribers
Oct 5, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
Let’s debunk this whole “no corroboration” straw man once and for all.

1) you don’t need corroboration. Ford’s compelling and credible testimony, partic in the case of Kav’s less-than-credible response, is sufficient in court and thus certainly for these purposes.

2) corroboration is NOT narrowly defined as “someone else who witnessed the same event.” Corrob comes in all forms, incl docs (Safeway records, calendars), prior consistent statements, design of the house, etc. Unlikely anyone not in the room wld remember party 36 yrs ago.

Sep 23, 2018 12 tweets 3 min read

As a prosecutor who had cases covered by the national media, I’d like to offer my perspective on the @nytimes piece on #Rosenstein.

I don’t doubt that @nytmike and @adamgoldmanNYT sourced this story in typical top-notch fashion. But their reporting is only as good as their sources’ accuracy. Having been on the other side when @nytimes and others reported on my cases based on leaks, consider:

Aug 26, 2018 15 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: There has been a lot of confusion about what is going on in the Michael Cohen SDNY case and where it goes from. As a prosecutor in the SDNY for 10 years handling both organized fraud and white collar/securities fraud cases, this is my best guess as to where we are now. 1/ Cohen pled guilty to a straight plea agreement, not a cooperation agreement. And, even though Cohen seems desperate to cooperate, it sounds like he did not meet with the SDNY to explore cooperation before his plea. I see two potential reasons why that happened: 2/
Jun 3, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Technically, @jedshug may be correct (though I’m not at all convinced that a proceeding was anticipated at this time), but practically, no prosecutor worth his/her salt would charge witness tampering on these facts. Two important reasons why: 1) Did Don Jr adopt this statement? Statements/affidavits are often drafted for others but the question is whether the affiant adopted and agreed with it.
Jun 2, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
A few thoughts after my 1st appearance on @IngrahamAngle and seeing responses on twitter:

1) We are a remarkably partisan nation right now. I have no idea whether anyone in the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the election, but the right does not seem to care. 1/ 2) the whataboutism and misdirection from the right is pervasive. As is the degree to which folks on the far right declare things as fact when they can’t know. Say what you want about Albana and his policies, but the degree of venom directed at him personally is unwarranted. 2/