Enrico Glerean Profile picture
Staff scientist+data agent @AaltoUniversity. Neuroscience. RSE. Law+Ethics. Admin of @scicompaalto @MWavesAalto @FinRepro 🐘👇 https://t.co/MJdirPE0yq
Sep 5, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
This is important. Yes, re-identification of de-identified brain MRIs is possible, but it is considered to be a crime under GDPR, implemented as “data protection” laws in EU (each country made their own laws and legal consequences). Pseudo-anonymisation assumes that it is “highly unlikely” to re-identify the data. This means that for those cases in which it becomes trivial to reidentify a subject (eg rare case study subject), special care is needed and it should be the ethical committee with the researcher..
Aug 28, 2018 10 tweets 5 min read
Finally out "Maps of Subjective Feelings" with @aivoAALTO @LNummenmaa and J. Hietanen. pnas.org/content/early/… 1/7 In this study we run three web experiment asking how we perceive 100 common feelings by assessing them i) over 5 dimensional scales, ii) similarity between them iii) how they map on the body and iv) collected similar terms from @neurosynth 2/7
Aug 8, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
As somebody pointed out already, pyramid schemes are everywhere outside academia. I’d love to work as a (data) scientist for a non-profit NGO, but as soon as profits are involved I start to question the ethic of my work. 1/n Academia is still one of the most ethical options (if done with integrity and transparency) as I feel I am putting my skills for the benefit of society, even if basic scientific research cannot be directly translated into applications. 2/n
Jul 9, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
I’m a Matlab “guru” (or so they say) since 1999, but I’ve decided to switch to Python as the future for me can only be there. Here’s a nice book to do the switch enthought.com/white-paper-ma… 1/n Don’t get me wrong, I love Matlab. I’ve done anything with Matlab from signal processing toolboxes to art installations (!). 2/n
Jun 4, 2018 12 tweets 4 min read
"Cortical Cartography: Characterising the peaks and valleys of the cerebral cortex" talk by @cMadan has just started at @AaltoUniversity @abc_aalto brainscience.aalto.fi/en/current/eve… Excellent educative talk based on measures from structural MRI and their correlations with for example age. See ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27103141
May 2, 2018 24 tweets 12 min read
Brainhack Global 18 in Finland has just started with prof. Em Riitta Hari @aivoAALTO talking about the unsolved questions in neuroscience #bhg18 #bhg18fi "how good are your data?" often theory comes before data (e.g. physics) and many labs do same experiment and results are combined #bhg18 #bhg18fi
Apr 18, 2018 62 tweets 21 min read
Soon starting Em. Prof. Riita Hari (Aalto University) @aivoAALTO :
"How to react fast with a slow brain".

Live stream at this link: connect.funet.fi/neuroscience/
Live tweeting under #brainandmind hashtag. I once again have high expectations from this talk!