Erin Bates Profile picture
Award-winning South African journalist. @carteblanchetv anchor and presenter. Available for freelancing. Retweets ≠ endorsements. Views ≠ those of my employers.
Oct 3, 2018 147 tweets 127 min read
#StateCaptureInquiry Remember when @TreasuryRSA Minister of Treasury Nhlanhla Nene answered eNCA’s @samkelemaseko asking if he would testify? Nene said, “Watch this space.” And later, after some pressing from Maseko, “Watch the space, meaning a lot of us might be appearing soon.” #StateCaptureInquiry Nene will be the first sitting minister to testify at the inquiry. Previously Minister of Public Enterprises Pravin Gordhan attended hearings, when his former right hand man Mcebisi Jonas testified, saying a Gupta brother offered him the Finance Minister job.
Jul 21, 2018 65 tweets 24 min read
#TomMoyane’s hearing is currently underway in Sandton. He sits beside his counsel, Advocate Dali Mpofu, who says their submissions have been misunderstood. He says they avoided referring to Pravin Gordhan as a witness. #TomMoyane sits in a maroon suit beside Mpofu. Advocate Azhar Bham speaks now and says Gordhan does not hold the same powers now as he did when he was Minister of Finance.
Jul 18, 2018 22 tweets 13 min read
#HIVAIDSurvey On Morning News Today with @UvekaR and @danmoyane I spoke about *some* of the findings in the comprehensive fifth South African National HIV/AIDS Prevalence, Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey, based on 33,000 interviews over roughly a year. #HIVAIDSurvey The full report will be available, I have been told, by the time of the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands next week. On Morning News Today, we discussed just some of the findings, and @UvekaR asked about Gauteng statistics.