It'sME(Jaime) Profile picture
solidarity, strength, stamina. we're in for the long fight. she/her/they #ME, #EDS, #POTS I work for several employers, even you! Views my own
Sep 29, 2018 4 tweets 4 min read
Oooh: this is your brain on #MECFS : up to four times the standard amnt of lactate. Remember that Nakatomi study and those lactate me vs fibro vs major depressive disorder vs... confirmation! Awesome, Younger. (1/4) #pwme @MEActNet #MECFS18 SO GLAD he included this too! Brain on fire: #pwme brains run hot. Usually about 1F diff— but sometimes as high as 103F! “This will make a person feel very sick,” he says... (2/4) #pwme @MEActNet #MECFS18
Sep 29, 2018 6 tweets 5 min read
Jarred Younger up now. Neuroinflammation in #mecfs. We’ve all gotten inflammation diagnoses in the body (arthritis, e.g.) but never brain inflammation. Hard to diagnose! So how can we make that dx easier? (1/5) #pwme @MEActNet #MECFS18 Hard to measure inflammation in a living person? Must be non-invasive, must be through and examine the whole brain. (2/5) #pwme @MEActNet #MECFS18