Engineering Leadership | Cryptography | Research | Startups
Aug 18, 2018 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Crypto 2018 has affiliated events this year, which is fun. I’m currently attending the Quantum-safe Cryptography for Industry event, a big focus of mine lately.…
@Cloudflare is a sponsor of Crypto this year, so come see me if you want a webcam cover!
We just heard from Adrian Stanger from the NSA. There is high confidence in the NIST process and no plans to invest in QKD. Algorithm recommendations (key agreement and signatures) to be made around 2023-24. There are no plans to replace AES-256 or SHA2-384.
Aug 12, 2018 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
I was recently privy to a conversation in which some really smart people in security shared their favorite papers or articles. Security engineering, like other disciplines, has a rich history worth learning from.
I'm going to list some of these papers in this thread.
New Directions in Cryptography - Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman (1976)
It's hard to emphasize just how revolutionary the concept of public key cryptography is. This paper started it all, introducing D-H key agreement and digital signatures.
If you're in Vegas this week and looking for a change in scenery, reach out to me about @Cloudflare. We're building the next generation of internet services, and are at the forefront of deploying new cryptographic technology online.
This thread includes some highlights from the last few years. If you have a history of innovating at scale and these are the kind of projects that you love to do, let me know. The Cloudflare Crypto Team is hiring in San Francisco, London, and New York.…
Apr 9, 2018 • 41 tweets • 12 min read
I’ll be tweeting about some post-quantum crypto things as the come up this week in this thread.
LEDAkem is a code-based crypto primitive for key encapsulation based on quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check codes (QC-LDPC). Large-ish keys (7KB+), slow (100ms+), but compact private keys, only simple binary field math and based on NP-complete problem.
Apr 4, 2018 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
I want to highlight a behind-the-scenes change that improves the security guarantees provided by Cloudflare’s global HTTPS service. Since last year, Cloudflare has been using a different set of session ticket encryption keys (STEKs) in each datacenter for TLS resumption.
Previously, the same key was used across multiple datacenters, rotated every hour (…). This was modeled after work by @j4cob and @jmhodges at Twitter (…) with more aggressive key rotation.