Hackney, semi-retired, gardener, hort lecturer, ex-trade unionist, activist. Like means like and/or interesting, RT means interesting. Really hate Tories.
Aug 30, 2018 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
That #JeremyCorbyn has become a 'force for antisemitism in British politics' as Enoch Powell admirer #FrankField has stated is absurd. I don't agree with all #Corbyn says/does re the Middle East, but he is no Jew hater or believer in Jewish conspiracies. Here at a plaque ceremony
Here at a Chanukah celebration in his constituency
Jul 19, 2018 • 24 tweets • 11 min read
#thread on @UKLabour NEC Code Conduct on #Antisemitism showing how opposition to it is wrong. Links from Dr Brian Klug, Moran Mandelbaum, David Feldman, Josh Nathan Kazis on Kenneth Stern, Rhea Wolfson, Jennie Formby and Jo Lansman
Firstly this is the NEC code here. Please read. It covers conspiracy theory antisemitism, the 'socialism of fools' and antisemitism masquerading as criticism of Israel. These are the issues that have crept into Labour from the conspiracy theory fringes. thejc.com/comment/analys…
Mar 13, 2018 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
thread; Great news @johnmcdonnellMP is boycotting RT and demanding the Left do too. There's a disturbing lack of ken how Russia is both supporting the European far-Right and manipulating the far-Left. It's simple. RT/Sputnik/Putin are our enemies as socialists. Proof? Read on... theguardian.com/politics/2018/…