How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Let’s start with the basics: these are NOT new FTAs. This is what is known as “rollover”. If you’ve followed the debate, you know there’s actually TWO rollovers: One for the transition period, one for the endgame. What’s the difference? 2: Saudi Arabia freezing new trade with Canada over human rights criticizsm… first point is on the facts. The tweet gets them wrong. If you have followed the discussion you will know that there are actually two rollovers, one for transition, one after that. None of them is certain. Reporting states that one FTA is ready for rollover to a UK treaty. issue is a possible breach of the so-called “emoluments” clause. There’s a foreign and a domestic one, both are involved. Here’s the Constitutional wording.’s the question the court has drafted Here’s the UK government’s very own trading with the EU if there’s no Brexit deal notice. Study it carefully.…, FTAs, NTB, TRQs, CUs - none of this is the traditional daily business of 90% of politicians. Suddenly they are not just expected to know all of this, but also to be able to spin it to an electorate that is fundamentally split. negotiations are complex. But in any negotiation you need to know what you want and how you could get there. 1) The issue is not that there is no solution or no sensible solution. It is that there is no agreement what the problem is. Here’s how that is relevant: Gesetz betrifft auch die Einbürgerung bei Beibehaltung der doppelten Staatsbürgerschaft. Dem Duktus des Entwurfs folgend bietet es dies für die transition an. up: Trade Agreements. The EU has an EPA with SADC. That’s the Southern African grouping that includes South Africa and 6 other countries. Background here…