Hiero Badge Profile picture
writer, scholar, bimbo | they/them of fag experience
Jun 18, 2018 25 tweets 8 min read
A thread: the responses to Eurydice Dixon's assault and murder that are framed around women's personal responsibility and men's collective innocence contribute to the very factors which lead to violence against women #auspol #EurydiceDixon #YesAllMen

dailytelegraph.com.au/rendezview/thi… The most consistent predictors of violence against women are factors associated with gender inequality. These gendered drivers of violence include (i) condoning men's violence, (ii) limiting women's independence, (iii) beliefs in rigid gender roles and (iv) male peer culture
Dec 6, 2017 11 tweets 3 min read
A new study had been released documenting the experiences of 9500 gay people and allies during the postal survey. It’s pretty much what you would expect: the survey was a disaster for gay people #auspol #marriageequality To begin with, 90% of respondents believed the debate would have a negative impact on them. 80% LGBTQ+ people and 60% allies then found the debate ‘incredibly or extremely stressful’