How to get URL link on Twitter App My normal operating assumption is that there is not view so stupid that you can't find SOMEONE who holds it, so I assume that there are people who believe this one. But *lots* of them? the contrast between his obvious motive for lying and Prof. Blasey Ford's lack of one, the Republicans' absolute refusal to have an investigation or to subpoena witnesses (e.g. Mark Judge) whose testimony is obviously relevant, etc., etc. of, say, 1970, I think there were more crazy people on the left than on the right. (This stuff is cyclical.) So I don't think there's some sort of special conservative susceptibility to strange cult-like thinking.
2/ Their parents would know what to look for, what their medical history is like, etc. Whoever is looking after them now will not. Even leaving aside the heat, crowding, etc., they would be at risk even given good medical care. Which I would not bet on their getting.
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2/ ("Solely" means: when the Bible says something that most people believe in any case, e.g. that murder is wrong, one can cite the Bible in support of that view. But one should not try to enact policies for which the Bible is the only justification, e.g. mandatory baptism.)
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by @TheBrodyFile view original on Twitter
2/ Moreover, I've spent significant chunks of time in countries without entrenched norms of conduct. And I am torn.
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by @BrendanNyhan view original on Twitter