How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App to add a little background about why I'm banging on about this, why it's a big deal: started as Facemash--a hot-or-not ripoff site that stole women undergrads' pics off internal Harvard "facebook" servers in order to humiliate and demean them. FOR CLICKS. FOR FUN. JUST TO SEE IF HE COULD.
It talks about her important research but obscures her, while nonetheless prominently naming a man who did far less relevant research. This is how the myth of men's contributions being greater than women's persists. It infects the very structures through which we know the world:
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by @jessegryn view original on Twitter
Here's mine, going from undergrad to grad school: when I got the idea for my undergrad thesis I was sitting in a lecture on medieval women, and the lecturer mentioned, totally as an aside, that she hadn't been allowed into most of the Oxford colleges when she was a student...
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by @ladybird_lauder view original on Twitter
Think about how white identity extremists are handled, and given the benefit of the doubt, & how nothing is done to them until after they shoot someone, or shoot up a school or church. And even then, they're not even named as such, so it can happen again & again.
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by @leftofblack view original on Twitter
This makes my blood boil because for years I was told tthe women in the computer photos I was researching weren't real computer workers, just pretty faces brought in for the picture. Even when I presented clear evidence to the contrary!
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by @mycandacejean view original on Twitter