Member of Parliament for P102 Bangi Selangor, Malaysia;
La Salle PJ.
Sep 6, 2018 • 33 tweets • 8 min read
Will be tweeting some thoughts on my visit to the Malaysia China Kuantan Industrial Park (MCKIP) here today. Please RT if you are interested in reading about this project (it's more than just the so-called "Great Wall of China"!) #MCKIP
Whenever the Kuantan Industrial Park is mentioned in popular conversation, the discussion inevitably gets steered towards the so-called “Great Wall of China” that surrounds the massive Alliance Steel complex.
May 21, 2018 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Time to tweet out some of my past media statements on the budget and govt debt to set the context on how much 'cleaning up' we need to do with regards to the govt's balance sheet.
The most recent statement shows how much of debt repayment is 'hidden' in payments other than debt servicing including the infamous Pembinaan PFI.…
May 20, 2018 • 28 tweets • 8 min read
Going to start a thread on the Youth and Sports Ministry / Kementerian Belia & Sukan. This is NOT an attempt to lobby publicly for a position. At the end of the thread, I will give my views on who I think is the most suitable replacement for @Khairykj as the Minister of Y&S.
First of all, I don't think you need to be a sportsman / woman to be an effective Minister for Y&S. But you have to be interested in sports (or at least some sports) for you to understand what it would take to develop & grow sports in Msia.
Apr 25, 2018 • 24 tweets • 7 min read
Tiba masanya utk memberi satu contoh 'approach' saya utk memahami dan cuba menyelesaikan masalah tempatan di kawasan #P102Serdang selepas saya menjadi ahli parlimen di tahun 2014 #startthread
Pada awal tahun 2014, kawasan Balakong & Hulu Langat mengalami gangguan air yang sangat serius, ada tempat takde air utk 1 minggu. Selain drp tindakan pengagihan air yang diketuai oleh ADUN Balakong @eddiengtienchee, saya telah cuba utk memahami punca gangguan air.
Apr 24, 2018 • 28 tweets • 10 min read
Saya nak mulakan satu thread baru utk memberi huraian yg lebih lanjut mengenai ciri2 kerusi parlimen #P102Bangi yang mungkin tidak diketahui orang ramai... Harap pengundi di kerusi ni boleh RT... #P102Bangi adalah P102Serdang sebelum persempadanan semula yang baru2 ini telah di'bulldoze'kan dlm parlimen Msia... Di bawah kerusi P102 Serdang, ada 3 kerusi DUN iaitu N26 Bangi, N27 Balakong dan N28 Seri Kembangan... Pada PRU13, jumlah pengundi P102 Serdang = 133,139 pengundi.
Apr 13, 2018 • 16 tweets • 7 min read
Going to start a thread on how runners were not given their prize money in a BN-UMNO organized running event - The Sungai Buloh Night Run 2018.
On the 10th Feb 2018, a no of BN-linked organizations including (i) Sekretariat Guru Aktif 1 Selangor (GA1S), Paya Jaras (ii) Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Penduduk Parlimen Subang & (iii) Koordinator Pembangunan Persekutuan DUN N38 Paya Jaras organized the Sungai Buloh Night Run 2018.