Japanesque / traditional culture / folklore / history #JQ #antiAntifa #WW2 #ガラパゴス化こそ価値 #日本語を守れ(No debate)
Sep 9, 2018 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
@_Fight0rDie5_ 1. I hope to deepen this perspective, but the situation in Asia including Japan 150 years ago is complicated, and it takes time to grasp that situation.
@_Fight0rDie5_ 2. The official history of Japan during this period was written by the Crypto Jews and it's still difficult to grasp the overall picture as their servants still dominate Japan😑.
Jun 28, 2018 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
There is no perfect concept in this WORLD. How many human beings have been killed in the name of #DEMOCRACY which is considered to be the most valuable in the modern age? DEMOCRATS used the napalm bombs to mass murder innocent civilians. #民主主義☞#RealHolocaust#WW2
And this is also the most beautiful act of those who love beautiful humanity. What a wonderful HUMANITARIANISM you believe!! #WW2#RealHolocaust#DEMOCRATS#WW2
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