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Jul 30, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
The most incredible aspect of the internet is that no one person or organization controls it: the people make it what it is every day. That ideal is constantly under threat, especially today. We commit as a company to fighting for an #OpenInternet. The power of the internet is only as good as the power it gives to individual people. The more we do to advance that, the stronger it becomes. This underlies all else. But there are two emergent and growing threats.
Jul 16, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Tough day for us at Twitter. We all feel terrible this happened.

We’re diagnosing and will share everything we can when we have a more complete understanding of exactly what happened.

💙 to our teammates working hard to make this right. An update https://t.co/960iThzCys
Jun 18, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
More #startsmall grants. We’ve now granted over $146m.

The original $1B moved to LLC now has over $1.6B.

Tracking here: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d… $1.6m to @codetenderloin to support support Code Tenderloin’s Calming the Corner street pop-up providing immediate and on the ground needs in the Tenderloin of San Francisco. codetenderloin.org
Jun 11, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
More #startsmall grants. $134m total granted.

Working on getting help to be more proactive and have a general intake form that doesn’t lean on my network or established orgs that have already done the work.

The tracking sheet, and recent orgs: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d… $200k for @SafePlace4Youth to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on homeless and at-risk youth in Los Angeles. safeplaceforyouth.org
Jun 3, 2020 9 tweets 6 min read
More #startsmall grants.

$3mm to Colin @Kaepernick7’s @yourrightscamp to advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities through education, self-empowerment, mass-mobilization to elevate the next generation of change leaders. knowyourrightscamp.com $1m to @DigDeepH2O to connect remote indigenous homes to hot and cold running water so that tribal members, especially the elderly and the at-risk, can stay home and stay safe, and to make Navajo Nation more resilient to ongoing and future outbreaks. navajowaterproject.org
May 15, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
#startsmall is up to $87.8M in disbursements. Most are in the tracking sheet, some in process for next week. Interested in helping? All these are incredible and impactful orgs...find one that resonates with you. And now a thread on 6 new grants... docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d… $10m to @Project100 to give $1000 directly to American families in the SNAP program. givedirectly.org/covid-19/us/
Apr 9, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Grateful for @rihanna @ClaraLionelFdn and @MayorsFundLA: 10 weeks of shelter, meals, and counseling for individuals and their children in LA suffering from domestic violence as a result of the COVID-19 Safer at Home Order. The LA Housing Authority determined ~90 people/week (and their children) have been turned away from domestic violence shelters since issuing the Order. This grant will cover needs for 90 victims per week, with an additional 90 victims every week thereafter for 10 weeks.
Apr 7, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
I’m moving $1B of my Square equity (~28% of my wealth) to #startsmall LLC to fund global COVID-19 relief. After we disarm this pandemic, the focus will shift to girl’s health and education, and UBI. It will operate transparently, all flows tracked here: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d… Why UBI and girl’s health and education? I believe they represent the best long-term solutions to the existential problems facing the world. UBI is a great idea needing experimentation. Girl’s health and education is critical to balance: drawdown.org/solutions/heal…
Jan 30, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Image 🎇 Image
Dec 11, 2019 14 tweets 4 min read
Twitter is funding a small independent team of up to five open source architects, engineers, and designers to develop an open and decentralized standard for social media. The goal is for Twitter to ultimately be a client of this standard. 🧵 twitter was so open early on that many saw its potential to be a decentralized internet standard, like SMTP (email protocol). For a variety of reasons, all reasonable at the time, we took a different path and increasingly centralized Twitter. But a lot’s changed over the years…
Nov 9, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
A morning of conversations with incredible Nigerian builders at Art Cafe. Thank you all! Tag yourself in so I can follow you please.
Oct 30, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
We’ve made the decision to stop all political advertising on Twitter globally. We believe political message reach should be earned, not bought. Why? A few reasons…🧵 A political message earns reach when people decide to follow an account or retweet. Paying for reach removes that decision, forcing highly optimized and targeted political messages on people. We believe this decision should not be compromised by money.
Apr 22, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Finished reading a.co/bvosmj8 Finished reading. Incredible perspective on North and Central America.
Mar 20, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
#BitcoinTwitter and #CryptoTwitter! Square is hiring 3-4 crypto engineers and 1 designer to work full-time on open source contributions to the bitcoin/crypto ecosystem. Work from anywhere, report directly to me, and we can even pay you in bitcoin! Introducing @sqcrypto. Why? Last week I was considering my hack week project, and asked @brockm: “what is the most impactful thing we could do for the bitcoin community?” His answer was simple: “pay people to make the broader crypto ecosystem better.” This resonated with me immediately, so we’re doing it.
Dec 9, 2018 25 tweets 8 min read
For my birthday this year, I did a 10-day silent vipassana meditation, this time in Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar 🇲🇲. We went into silence on the night of my birthday, the 19th. Here’s what I know 👇🏼 Vipassana is a technique and practice to “know thyself.” Understanding the inner nature as a way to understand…everything. It was rediscovered by Gautama the Buddha 2,500 years ago through rigorous scientific self-experimentation to answer the question: how do I stop suffering?
Oct 19, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
A thread on San Francisco’s Prop C. As a citizen of SF since 1999, and likely for the rest of my life, my primary objective is to help set our newly elected Mayor @LondonBreed up for success. That means addressing homelessness long-term in a scalable way, with accountability. While I understand an influx of cash is attractive, the mayor has said she doesn’t have the accountability or controls she needs to manage it well. Ultimately, she is the only one on the hook to make this work. If she doesn’t feel she can, we need to listen and understand why.
Oct 17, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
A practice I’ve been using off and on for years: every morning I write a checklist of work I intend to do today, and work I won’t do today. Focused on more strategic efforts rather than calendar stuff. I check off the “won’t do” before sleep (and eventually move them up to “do”). Image The “won’t do” list is often more important than the “do” list. Setting the intention to deliberately not work on something gives me clearer space to think and work, and be less reactive. Some items stay on the lists for days/weeks/months, some I want to make sure I do every day.
Sep 9, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
This is an honest and fun conversation between @elonmusk and @joerogan. Stop at the headlines and memes and you’ll miss all the thoughtfulness, clarity, and curiosity. “My goal is to do useful things, maximize the probability that the future is good, and make the future exciting” @elonmusk
Sep 5, 2018 18 tweets 3 min read
Thank you Chairman Walden, Ranking Member Pallone, and the committee, for the opportunity to speak on behalf of Twitter to the American people. I look forward to our conversation about our commitment to impartiality, transparency, and accountability. If it’s okay with all of you, I’d like to read you something I personally wrote as I thought about these issues. I’ll also tweet it out now.
Sep 5, 2018 16 tweets 3 min read
Thank you Chairman Burr, Vice Chairman Warner, and the committee, for the opportunity to speak on behalf of Twitter to the American people. I look forward to our conversation about the work we’re doing to help protect the integrity of US elections, and elections around the world. I’m someone of very few words, and typically pretty shy, and I realize how important it is to speak up now. If it’s okay with all of you, I’d like to read you something I personally wrote as I considered these issues. I’ll also tweet this out now.
Aug 31, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Flying to DC for 2 hearings Wednesday with the Senate Intel Committee to share Twitter’s work to protect election integrity, and the House Energy and Commerce Committee to show our commitment to impartiality, transparency, and accountability. It’s an honor to be able to speak to the American people on behalf of our service. We realize Twitter is used by many as a public square, and our singular objective as a company is to help increase the health and integrity of conversations found within.