Economist. EVP of Criminal Justice, @Arnold_Ventures. Host, @ProbCausation. Author of The Science of Second Chances, coming in 2026 from Holt. Opinions my own.
Aug 29, 2018 • 15 tweets • 8 min read
We don’t know much about whether education-based interventions can reduce recidivism (for those who already have a criminal record). However, there is a long literature on the effects of education on crime more broadly.
Punchline: education is a very effective way to prevent crime.
Caveat: gathering young people in one place (for school or anything else) can unintentionally increase criminal behavior.
Jul 28, 2018 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
It’s wonderful to see economists like @paulgp and @economistified offering to comment on JMP abstracts and intros. Econ JM candidates, take them up on this -- even if you think your writing is good. It can always be better. Better writing makes your ideas easier to appreciate.
A common misconception among grad students is that people will read your full paper, giving you 30ish pages of text to make your ideas clear and compelling.
Mar 6, 2018 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
My paper on Naloxone access and opioid abuse (joint work with @anita_mukherjee) is now online:
"The Moral Hazard of Lifesaving Innovations: Naloxone Access, Opioid Abuse, and Crime"…
Naloxone is a drug that can save someone’s life if administered during an opioid overdose. It therefore has potential as a harm-reduction strategy to fight the opioid epidemic.
Oct 5, 2017 • 19 tweets • 10 min read
I agree that the CDC should be allowed to study #gunviolence but disagree strongly with this headline 1/n…
Gun violence research has not, in fact, been shut down for 20 years. Here are some studies that were done during that time: 2/n