How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Nielsen lied. To you. And me. Period. And that lie meant that three major operational necessities were not put in place. 2/ FBI was quick to report what they knew to be true. . . . to calm nerves and communicate. 2/ John Kelly was Secretary, he rescinded my appointment to the bipartisan Homeland Security Advisory Committee, a whose who of HS experts. I was told by his staff that I was too publicly critical. It was clear that there was no interest in debate or historical expertise. 2/'ve used this space to explain why the reunification issue need not be as complicated as the WH is making it. Seven days is a long time to put an incident command structure in place, identify the different pools of kids, and begin communication and reunification.
2. In disaster management, there are five stages to a crisis: prevention, protection, response, recovery and resiliency. The "boom" (event) occurs between protection and response. It is why people like me talk in terms of left and right of boom.…
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by @nprpolitics view original on Twitter
2. The first is that b/c these migrants are illegal, they are suffering a fate no different than if I was busted for some criminal conduct and separated from my kids. This is a turn of phrase that is not based in law. People are not illegal. Conduct is.
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There is a difference between routing emergency and a crisis. A routine emergency is an event that happens that is anticipated b/c the nature of the institution: a five-alarm fire, a bank robbery, even a DoS attack against a network. All anticipated; all manageable. 2/
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