Kitty Hundal🇨🇦 Profile picture
Cypherpunks: Privacy for the powerless, Transparency for the powerful. #FreeThinker 😺 #OCLA #TaxtheRich #Panquake #TalkLiberation #TheGreatResist
Aug 3, 2018 6 tweets 8 min read
The Pedo smear is a known CIA character assassination tactic and has been used to target numerous activists. It is an attempt to disrupt and destroy their support base using easily disproven lies.

#Anonymous #Alert #OpPedoHunt #OpPedoHunterUnited #OpNewBlood #Anonymous #Alert #OpPedoHunt #OpPedoHunterUnited #OpNewBlood

How D&D campaigns work. The false pedo accusations are one way of accomplishing this. Always investigate the accuser.

From the HBGary Leak:…
Jun 9, 2018 14 tweets 3 min read
PsyOps against targeted activists. Here's how the game is played. :) An example.

Thread 1. Innocent target goes to the corner store to buy a couple of things.
2. Old lady starts gabbing to everyone as a distraction.
3. Young woman comes in to purchase 2 cokes.