New York Times bestselling author.
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Oct 7, 2018 13 tweets 4 min read
1. Ive read National Review @NRO for a long time. I think its important to read material across the ideological spectrum. But there are enough conspiracy theory blogs in the crazy reaches of conservatives; i dont need to read another one posing as thoughtful. I'm done with NRO... 2...today, NRO features a number of pieces that I would think were from the Onion if I didn't know better. It was like a parody of every looney thing that gets spewed from the furthest reaches of the internet. The women who confronted Flake on the elevator? Oh, ACORN, Soros...
Sep 30, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
1. We are approaching the point of no return. That doesnt mean our country is about to collapse, but it does mean we are frighteningly close to the point when collapse cannot be averted. I have been reading projected interest payments going forward as a percent of our budget... 2...this is a number you rarely hear about, but it is the one that will destroy the country. The number is exploding because of the irresponsible tax cuts - the first time in history of the world when a country with high debt and a booming economy cut taxes. Every person under...
Sep 20, 2018 17 tweets 3 min read
1. It keeps being asked: Why would anyone wait decades to publicly disclose sexual assault?

I know why. I can write this cause I wrestled with disclosure in years of writing my book A Mind Unraveled. Rather than wait til October book release, as Dr. Ford is slammed, I tell now.. 2….I was raped in my twenties while incapacitated after an epileptic seizure. The injuries required me to seek medical attention at a hospital. The period in the emergency room was an emotional blur, of shutting down, of focusing on anything other than the attack…
Sep 8, 2018 23 tweets 5 min read
1. The @nytimes opinion piece by Deep Wrote has raised a lot of controversy, mostly about the wrong things. Who wrote it, what should that person be doing, everything about the writer, little about the message. And then the misplaced attacks on the NYTimes. Let's discuss... 2...start with @nytimes. Having worked there for 20 years, I know how it works and I know the standards of those involved. This would never have been "Oh! We have a damaging Trump piece! Run it!" Despite the popular imagination of non-journalists, that is not how things work...
Aug 26, 2018 13 tweets 8 min read
1. Wow. @Twitter has actually taken an action which, while it makes the company more money, allows more trolls and bots to attack accounts. @jack must be out of his mind. If twitter will actually purposely make the experience WORSE, the time to abandon it is fast approaching.... 2...i have noticed a growth of complaints about trolling on the service over the last two months. I made some reviews of my accounts and saw the same. This coincides exactly with when @twitter made a for-profits change, another instance of @jack mistaking short term...
Aug 9, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
1. Time to talk about very important things. Most Americans do not realize that United States military is deeply involved in assisting Saudi Arabia and the UAE in the endless conflict in Yemen. It is incredibly stupid policy, built on Iran-obsession while ignoring al Qaeda... 2...the US identified al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) as a major threat, one posing potentially direct threat to the US homeland. But in appeasement of particularly Saudis, the US is WORKING with AQAP, We are PAYING AQAP fighters to leave Yemen or join Saudi fighters...
Aug 9, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
1. People need to understand the law. There is no evidence other members of Congress who owned/sold the same stock as Chris Collins committed a crime. Insider trading requires being a tippee or tipper of confidential, potentially market moving information. If others bought or... 2...sold shares based on Collins recommendation, it is not a crime. If, however, they did so based on Collins providing non-public information, it is a crime. For example, if Collins said "I really recommend this stock" and they bought, it is perfectly legal. If he said....
Jul 30, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
1. Now that Jeff "I Invoke a Bible I have Never Read" Sessions says we need a Religious Liberty Task Force, will he FINALLY allow the Rastafari Religion to legally use marijuana in their ceremonies and prayers? Their beliefs come straight from a Biblical interpretation.... 2. ..in which they believe that the Tree of Life mentioned in the Bible is the marijuana plant and that several passages promote its use, such as Genesis 3:18 “Thou shalt eat the herb of the field” (Genesis 3:18), Exodus 10:12 “Eat every herb of the land” and Revelation 22:2...
Jul 30, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
1. Being someone who is extremely well educated on the Bible by taking classes in seminary and studying it for decades afterwards - there is virtually nothing depicted by Evangelical Christians that has anything to do with the Bible.

Take this one thing. Paul declares we are... 2...all sinners. He also depicts huge numbers of behaviors as sins - drinking, debating, lying, suing a Christian. He makes no difference between these and homosexuality. AND nowhere in the New Testament does it say "you cannot associate with someone who sins..."
Jul 16, 2018 11 tweets 3 min read
1. You need to listen to this, @MedvedevRussiaE. You think Putin was out of control with the hacking. You think it has put Russia on a collision course with the United States. You are right.

Someday, there will be a real patriot back in the White House. And on that day.... 2...millions of Americans will be calling for retaliation against Russia for its insane attempt to undermine global democracy. A patriot will declare that we are responding with a cyber war involving the full force and fury of the United States, to protect us from Russia, to....
Jul 15, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
1. @FoxNews use today of a 6-year old quote by Obama - saying at the time that Islamic terrorism posed a greater threat to the United States than Russia - underscores what an obscene propaganda outfit Fox is. First of all...what does this have to do with anything? Is it arguing.. 2...that Romney was right and that Russia DID pose the biggest threat because four years later it launched a cyberattack on American democracy? Ok...then why is Trump playing kissy-face with the biggest threat facing America. Or is it saying, because Obama said more than....
Jul 15, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
1. The new "I bet people are too stupid to know this is stupid" talking point from the Trump Administration is to chastise democrats re: Putin meeting because they (who weren't alive at the time) didn't chastise Roosevelt for meeting with Stalin. Sigh...idiocy.... 2...when Hitler opened up a second front by his invasion of Russia in violation of the non aggression pact, a military alliance with Russia became a war necessity. We were at war with Nazi Germany, Nazi Germany invaded Russia, thus Russia and the United States had a military...
Jul 14, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
If you can tell - the indictments on Russians made me furious. Not because it happened - we knew that. Because GOPrs, particularly Trump, CONTINUE to ignore that our democracy is under cyberattack by a foreign enemy. If they dont respond, theyre complicit directly or indirectly.. 2...to the idiots blaming Obama. Ok, say Obama has responsibility. THEN WHY IS THE GOP CONTINUING TO DENY IT IS HAPPENING? WHY ARENT THEY DOING SOMETHING ABOUT OUR DEMOCRACY UINDER ATTACK? WHY ARE THEY IMPEDING INVESTIGATIONS, CONDEMING OUR INTEL AGENCIES, LAW ENFORCEMENT...
Jul 14, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
1. NOW on the big outrages of Benghazi investigation can be discussed and everyone will get it. Guccifer (not 2.0) hacked into account of Sidney Blumenthal, a friend of Hillary Clinton. He pulled out an innocuous emails about Benghazi. The Republicans on the Benghazi committee... 2...including @TGowdySC then used the STOLEN email in the court of interrogating Blumenthal and Clinton. Guccifer is a Romanian hacker, we know who he is, but prosecutors believe he is connected to Russia, which he denies (as he would if he was.) This is how members of Congress..
Jul 13, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
1. Before election, I linked products of Russian hacking going directly to Trump. I had fantastic sources on where the info was coming from. A number of reporters - based on nothing but presumption - disputed what I wrote, which could have exposed Trump using Russia propaganda... 2...with today's Mueller indictment, entire chain I knew two years ago has been publicly confirmed. (seriously, @pbump - you owe me an apology or a correction. My intel sources knew more than your guessing.) Russian intel hacked Podesta. They manipulated an email to make it....
Jul 12, 2018 14 tweets 4 min read
1. In his continuing audition for a federal judgeship, @TGowdySC proclaims that an investigator who says negative things about Trump in a private, off-the-cuff conversation is unfit to investigate. (Why oh why is @DevinNunes not running the FBI case, Gowdy probably pines).... 2...so let's take @TGowdySC at his word: People who express negative thoughts in private about a politician cannot investigate that politician. No too strict: Let's make it it has to be publicly expressed. No, too strict: Let's make it they have to public state it in a formal....
Jul 11, 2018 20 tweets 6 min read
1. An astonishing thing happened on @FoxNews. Well, not astonishing. It shows the decades the GOP has spent spewing bogus conspiracy theories to its base. It shows why reason and evidence can no longer reach these people. It shows that Fox is NOT a news network, but pure.... 2...propaganda. I know we all know this, but this demonstrates how easily they recite alternate realities completely unsupported by facts to create imaginary demons in the democratic party. The villain in this one was @Judgenap Andrew Napolitano, who spewed despicable lies....
Jul 11, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
1. NATO allies have huge files on Trump and Russia. Before the 2016 election, I reported what limited details of what they said - most of which has since been confirmed by US intel, Mueller etc. Whatever Russia has on @POTUS, UK/Italy/Germany/France have it too. At the time.... 2...I spoke to numerous European officials who wondered, based on what they knew, if Trump was stupid or succumbing to blackmail. No one told me the blackmail element. However, with his attacks on NATO, it is time for Europe governments to start leaking the material....
Jul 9, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
1. We need a return to decency, to serving as a model for children, to showing that resorting to cursing in political discussions, except in the most extreme cases, is beneath us. Ive seen Dems put curses on their political t-shirts and placards, and find it disgusting. GOPrs... 2...or, more accurately, Trumpers (these people stand for virtually no policies of the Republican Party up to 2016, except tax cuts for the rich) curse endlessly. Too many of them are crass, disgusting, obscene while also prattling on about their Christianity. Do NOT emulate...
Jul 8, 2018 13 tweets 3 min read
1. Today I moved about a million pages of documents & notes. Just one box contained over 100 yellow pads, scribbled on both sides with interview notes. These are the documents I retained from my reporting - maybe 1/6 of the total. And seeing them made me sad for this country... 2...reporting, when done right, is hard work. You have to review every report, speak to every participant, check your own assumptions, argue against your own conclusion to find the weaknesses. Reading, calling, gathering. Finding the experts. Prying info out of participants....
Jun 28, 2018 14 tweets 3 min read
1. It is impossible for America to survive the nonsense of both political parties. All we have now is endless warfare for entertainment. Government has become a reality TV show. Government is supposed to be about policy - policy that promotes the well being of citizens and the... 2...global influence of the United States. Both have been abandoned. Our infrastructure from the 2nd industrial revolution is decaying - meanwhile, developed countries around the world have entered the 3rd and even the 4th. Our global ranking on every measure of good policy....