1/ I bought Bitcoin for $1k in April. Now it’s $10k. Did I just make $9,000?
I think you're forgetting something. There's only two things certain in life: death and...
2/ Taxes...what?! Cryptocurrency is beyond the government's control, man!
Government won’t shut down Bitcoin, but US citizens still owe tax on worldwide income. Tax evasion, in extreme cases, leads to imprisonment.
Jan 20, 2018 • 26 tweets • 14 min read
Questions I ask myself about Bitcoin 1/ Is Bitcoin a good investment.
No. Yes… it’s complicated...
2/ In 2015 a restaurant patron paid for a $14 meal with Bitcoin. Now 0.057BTC is worth $661 plus $103 in @BITCOlNCASH Isn't that a good investment?