Senior news anchor at The Washington Post. Listener, storyteller. Former Alaska reporter. DC by way of AK + PA. Member @postguild. She/her
Oct 5, 2018 • 15 tweets • 8 min read
LET'S TALK about @lisamurkowski and her NO proceedural vote on #Kavanaugh. I look forward to hearing more from the Senator in her own words. In the meantime, some thoughts. She is a Republican, make no mistake. But she's also a Republican not beholden to Party. 1
In 2010 Murkowski won a WRITE-IN CAMPAIGN (you try remembering how to spell M-U-R-K-O-W-S-K-I) against a right wing Republican who had primaried her. He had GOP $$ and establishment support (including in Senate) as the primary winner. She won. 2