Home of the brave #mvos365 🚴♀️🚴♂️people. #MVOSGameofThrown, #MovingBeyondZero & #MobilityMentalityChange news exchange. We ❤️ @ProVelo_lu @CycleLuxembourg
Greetings to RZ5237 van driver, who DID NOT stop for me while I was already on the pedestrian crossing. He saw me, waved, looked away and drove on. True story, happened today
Having clean windows is a good thing, but not enough. Adjusting mirrors equally important. It is crucial to always look what is happening *around* the vehicle
In my experience, lots of drivers suffer of "stiff neck": they don't see walking & cycling people coming from their side
Apr 12, 2017 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Is #PontAdolphe suspended active mobility bridge (still under construction, will be below road surface) violating monumental protection? 😱 LVI.lu's Jo Simon reveals the story of his suspended active mobility bridge idea under #PontAdolphelequotidien.lu/luxembourg/pas…