How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App I’m going to talk a lot about being a progressive/left-leaner. This means something diff to diff people. When I use this language, I mean that I am socially far-left. I want aggressive action on racial inequality/injustice, LGBTQ rights, women's rights, etc. Every person is different. Every survivor is different. But there are also patterns that emerge post-sexual assault. . . . . is one reason that public health orgs & researchers started measuring sexual assault by asking behaviorally specific Q's, such as, "Has a man held penetrated you w/out your consent. . ." rather than labelling Q's such as "Have you been raped?" Until very recently, if you were a white liberal, you may have been operating under the belief that racism was solely located in the hearts of individuals, rather than in systems. It's hard to describe how such a moment feels. I didn't want to say, "Hey, I've been raped, listen to me." I didn't want to talk about my rape at all. But I desperately wanted this person to know: don't blame the victims. I felt, if he didn't stop, I would claw my own eyes out many children's brains and bodies were impacted by lead in Flynt? And, again, we seem to have forgotten.