Marilia Coutinho, Ph.D., the Baffled Immigrant Profile picture
Independent scholar, strength coach. #biology #chemistry ▶️ #sociology #LatinAmericanStudies /#left/ pinned bio @RoninInstitute / no follow BACK
Sep 24, 2018 7 tweets 8 min read
@marthapiper666 @psychdr100 @duty2warn I understand, Dr. Martha. So do the mental health professionals from @duty2warn . We also understand how many grains of salt Dr. Jamison had to use to diagnose dead artists and poets for her book. But this historical moment calls for such hypotheses to be openly explored. @marthapiper666 @psychdr100 @duty2warn These people will not sit down with us to be diagnosed willingly. Just like the FBI profiles their unknown subjects using strong DX terms, we must do this now. We are profiling them. I am a specialist in scientific information - not an MD, but a Ph.D.
Aug 4, 2018 50 tweets 43 min read
A story written with no plan or script through nano-chapters using the prompts from #vss365 #AmWriting #SunScribbles #SunWIP #SciFi #Satsplat #BadWordSat#Swim steady and firm”, 15 yr old David told the others. They had been prepared. Their go-bags had the clothes approved by Deplorables and they had a small list of safe-houses in the mainland. All the adults in the island died do make their escape possible. #vss365 #AmWriting
Aug 3, 2018 42 tweets 29 min read
No evidence: the drug wore off, he used a condom, she woke up confused and drove home after the humiliating conversation. They were friendly the day before and she accepted his offer to stay over instead of taking the road so late. No witnesses. The perfect #crime. #FicFri Overdose survived. She flirted with him until he invited her over again. She denied him nothing in bed, she was #obsequious. “I’ve got a surprise”, she said, and massaged his feet as he sipped the wine she gave him. He died of sepsis a week later. #vss365 #AmWriting