Mary Katharine Ham Profile picture
CNN, Immune to Mommy shaming & mobs. Damn Good Dawg. Author of “End of Discussion,” I have resting smirk face, & disagree w people for a living.
Jan 8, 2018 28 tweets 7 min read
On a very special night, as long as everyone wears black, if one industry of rampant perversion lectures another industry of rampant perversion super self-righteously, all the perversion is solved. Gal Gadot is a perfect human. We don’t deserve her protection. #goldenglobes
Nov 25, 2017 24 tweets 3 min read
“Seven Brides For Seven Brothers” is legit reeealllly problematic. That barn-raisin’ number, tho. At the end of that scene, I’m like, “Eh, I might marry one of ‘em.” But only with, like, full agency & equity on the homefront.
Nov 9, 2017 10 tweets 2 min read
There’s a giant spider cricket between the basement stairs and me and this basement is my home now. Tell my children I love them. I’ve thrown a nearby plunger at him three times & he didn’t budge. Do we think he’s dead or lying in wait?