Gender non-conforming from childhood.
Yeah, I used to protest churches, what of it?
BA, JD, cat herder, hose wrangler.
I'd rather be in Japan.
Aug 28, 2018 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
@MichaelRWear Disaster relief does not cancel out the harm done by #EvangelicalContributions. Let's just start from the top: Charitable giving comes down to poor families being hassled for 10 % of their income in the name of "tithes and offerings." 1/@MichaelRWear 2/ "cultivation of millions of healthy families"- you mean the ones that throw their LGBTQ kids out on the street? The churches that only recognize the nuclear family and not the fact that just over 1/2 of adult women are not married (divorced, widowed, single)?