notsofast Profile picture
🌹 : Black Lotus Destroyer : bitcoin beyonder : coin miner : economic futurist : notsofastgallery.eth : metagame winner : no financial advice : ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
Aug 10, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
Sure let's make some predictions for the next $crypto bullrun: 1a. GPU-algo PoW chains will have a hell of a time dealing with the sudden hashrate dropoffs from auto-switching to more profitable jobs than $mining, until an equilibrium is found, which will take awhile.
What kind of jobs? ML, AI, rendering, AWS compute competing...
Jul 5, 2018 12 tweets 3 min read
Don't trust anyone in $crypto.
This is a core rule that has many facets and offshoots, including when it's worth breaking.
(here comes moar tweets) Specific examples.
Fake Twitter followers are easy to buy.
YET that means they're easy to buy for someone else's account, in an attack to discredit that person.
YET ALSO that means one who buys followers for self-aggrandizement can claim someone's attacking him via follower-buys.
Apr 29, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
We're attracted to having large numbers of things.
Some #altcoins should therefore split to unlock latent value; the more utilitarian the $crypto token, the more potential benefit if cheap & numerous.
eg $GEO - large caches seem more bountiful, single tokens have cheap utilities More examples:
$BLOCK - Service rewards are non-decimal numbers
$FANS - small bets are still whole numbers; big bets are BIG numbers
$DCR - better representation as a currency as well as store of value