Shower thought #1: it’s not surprising that we’re making progress in AI through GPUs that originated fast visual processing (that requires massive parallel computation)
Parallel computation is norm in brain and CPU-like deliberate, linear computation is an exception
Shower thought #2: when people say it’s hard, they’re really saying ‘I estimate that it’s not worth my time, I have better things to do’
Aug 30, 2018 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
1/ Been thinking that there is no such thing as ‘common’ or ‘generally accepted’ knowledge.
2/ First, even if *you* think someone has figured out how black holes behave, unless *you* understand or follow the logic, it’s not knowledge you can claim to have.
What you don’t know but someone else knows is equivalent to what nobody knows.
Aug 28, 2018 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Product positioning is like walking on a tightrope.
You want to communicate something that customers understand but you don’t want to communicate something that customers find obvious (which is an indicator of the entire market with competitors having similar positioning)
Just realized that what I was talking about was something akin to "edge of chaos"…
It's hypothesized that complex systems are neither too chaotic, nor too predictable.
Aug 23, 2018 • 32 tweets • 4 min read
1/ A short thread on ENTROPY, and its misapplications.
2/ First and foremost, know that there are two different things that are called entropy: one is thermodynamic entropy and the other one is information entropy.
Whenever someone is talking about entropy, ask which one.
Aug 12, 2018 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
1/ Currently reading Feyerabend’s Against Method and it has some really interesting observations on how science is done, and should be done.
2/ Unlike popular assumption, we don’t observe data first and then formulate theories. Generally, it’s the conviction of a scientist who formulates a new hypothesis and then goes about looking for data.
Aug 9, 2018 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
1/ Here’s a little (true) story of how technology + capitalism worsens life quality by converting people into commodities.
2/ Was traveling an Uber yesterday and driver said he works 12-18 hours every single day, 7 days a week.
120 hrs workweek is insane.
Jul 24, 2018 • 22 tweets • 6 min read
1/ At @wingify, we have changed our org structure several times.
A short thread on what I've learned about ORGANIZATION DESIGN in last 8 years.
2/ Startup founders have many biases. Some are classic cognitive biases that impact decision making… while others are specific biases that impact their product thinking…
Jul 13, 2018 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
To make more people interested in learning, we should surprise them by gently giving deep explanations for everyday problems.
- How to get a girlfriend/boyfriend? Teach strategy.
- How to make tastier food? Teach chemistry.
- How to get job promotion / get friends? Teach human psychology.
Jul 4, 2018 • 27 tweets • 6 min read
1/ A thread on MACHINE LEARNING and why it's INEFFICIENT.
Let's start with a simple idea. Imagine we are asked to predict and our simulation overlords feed images of the following type to "learn" from.
What would you learn from white noise? Will you be able to extract patterns? 2/ In all likelihood, the alien world will be incomprehensible to us (as it would have a very different nature than our world).
Hence, whatever data is fed to us will seem RANDOM (as, in our world, we’d have never come across it before).
Jul 2, 2018 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
PS: I 😍 evolution precisely because it explains a majority of what we see around us!
2/ It’s hard to not get awed by a process that took Earth, a big rock full of chemicals, and gradually chiseled it to create humans, creatures full of complex emotions and behaviors.
Jun 28, 2018 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
1/ I’ve been trying to understand ENTROPY for the last couple of days.
Here is what I’ve learned + common misconceptions.
2/ There are two types of entropy: thermodynamical entropy and informational entropy.
These two are different things, and a lot of confusion happens when authors don’t specify what type of entropy are they talking about.
Jun 22, 2018 • 23 tweets • 7 min read
From your high school classes, do you recall the image of an atom where electrons revolve around the nucleus (just like planets go around the Sun)?
IT WAS WRONG, and here's why.
2/ The analogy of electrons as tiny planets is so common that most people imagine electrons to be like tiny spheres. That’s utterly wrong.
Electrons are not tiny spheres. Instead, they’re like a cloud spread around the nucleus. In fact, even the cloud analogy is wrong
Jun 19, 2018 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
1/ A 20 year old entrepreneur asks for advice.
Here is what I told him.
2/ Something that pays > something that's cool (look for boring, unsexy, ignored problems)
Jun 11, 2018 • 43 tweets • 11 min read
You take vitamins, follow a good diet and go to the gym for physical immunity. I urge you to do something to build mental immunity.
Here’s how you do it. 2/ Mental health issues were the primary cause of the recent deaths of celebrities such as Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, Avicii and Chester Bennington. I wish peace to their families/friends
I hope that these deaths don’t go in vain but serve as a wake-up call for the rest of us
Over these years, I’ve seen myself evolve from a silly little punk doing a side project to the Chairman position where I’m responsible for creating future leaders within Wingify.
Here's my advice on HOW TO BECOME A LEADER IN 10 HARD STEPS. 2/ 1. Everyone wants to progress, but only leaders are willing to sacrifice for it
We all know what’s good for us: exercising regularly, eating healthy food, quitting smoking, and meditating. Yet, how many of us have the willpower to follow through?
May 22, 2018 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
1/ A short thread on meditation.
This doodle summarises my experience of a 20-30 minute meditation session. 2/ I used to give up early as early on when you’re meditating ‘nothing seems to be happening’
Mind is full of chatter for the first 10 minutes and it’s frustrating because meditation is supposed to calm you down.
May 21, 2018 • 35 tweets • 6 min read
A thread on how to CRITICALLY DISSECT a success story, to PREVENT you from NARRATIVE FALLACY and to HELP you POKE HOLES in ANYONE-CAN-DO-ANYTHING message that billionaires, Olympians, and famous actors love to throw around. 2/ Stories captivate us because we’re evolutionarily wired to seek stories. Our ancestors who told and listened to stories had a higher survival rate because stories bound them together. Stories helped form groups that killed Mammoths and take over the world.
May 2, 2018 • 65 tweets • 10 min read
1/ A (long) THREAD on how most of the HUMAN BEHAVIOR is SHOWING OFF VIRTUE or ABUNDANCE, and how our VIRTUES are mostly VICES in DISGUISE.
Reading @robinhanson and @kevinsimler's new book ‘Elephant in the brain’. Here are my notes and observations from the book. 2/ Human intelligence evolved as a result of arms race of getting ahead in social situations where two contrasting incentives always existed: to co-operate or to compete.
Apr 27, 2018 • 35 tweets • 10 min read
If you are a startup founder, product manager or designer, this thread is for you. 2/ WHAT'S A COGNITIVE BIAS?
I like to define it as: a systematic error in perception due to the environment that one is embedded into.
Apr 23, 2018 • 37 tweets • 10 min read
1/ A thread for B2B / SaaS FOUNDERS with INSIGHTS from me, @pallavn (founder of @FusionCharts) and @varunshoor (founder of @Kayako)
2/ Two weeks prior, the three of us went on a mentorship call with five SaaS founders and here are the notes / insights
Questions were categorized in three broad areas.
- Product Roadmap
- Demand generation – top of the funnels and Gotomarket
- Focus – what to focus on
Apr 16, 2018 • 24 tweets • 7 min read
Startups become successful when multiple things 'click' together like a jigsaw puzzle. 2/ There’s so much more that has to go right for a startup that it shouldn’t be surprising that most startups fail.
More variables you tweak, the more likely that you’ll fail in solving the entire equation. This is because all these variables are dependent on each other.