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May 9, 2018 9 tweets 15 min read
Accessible introductory information (as it sticks closely to the #PrimarySource, the #Senate's #CIA #TortureReport):
bostonglobe.com/news/nation/20… " Read the Senate’s executive summary of the CIA torture report
The report found that the methods used by the CIA were more brutal than the agency acknowledged either to Bush administration officials or to the public. "
Apr 6, 2018 142 tweets 38 min read
ed. Expanding Meme about the American Chopper Meme getting
Mar 31, 2018 357 tweets >60 min read
#Probablemente ([#EO]#probable🍀/[#EN]#Probably🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿)
Aug 11, 2017 53 tweets 8 min read
#Peace-Declaration of #Nagasaki 2017,on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the #AtomBomb~#Esperanto-#translated
translate.google.com/translate?sl=e… #Thread:01/??~#Peace-Declaration of #Nagasaki 2017; 72nd anniversary of the Bomb.#ApproximateTranslation
#Esperanto #inTranslation->#English