Patricia🏳️‍🌈_#TaylorsVersion Profile picture
#Autistic / #ADHD #epilepsy #neurodivergent #DisabilityRights 🆘 #LandBack #Indigenous 🌈 #Queer #nonbinary 💛🤍💜🖤 #CovidIsNotOver #dogs 🐾 #chinchillas
May 30, 2018 6 tweets 5 min read
A gentle reminder.

I'm #actuallyautistic and like many of us, using a telephone is not something that's top of our list when it comes to communicating.

For me, auditory processing disorder makes it difficult to hear and parse the content. And there's a component of sensory Processing difficulty for me when it comes to talking on the phone as well.

But like many #actuallyautistic I have several co-occurring conditions.

2 of them, #dyslexia and #dyspraxia make things quite a struggle for me.

One of the biggest ways they effect me is