Peter J - Arrest Gates, Blair, Soros. Disband WHO Profile picture
Facial sanitary towels can't stop a virus #WakeUp #Trump #FreeSpeech #BanHalal #TakeTheOath #ClimateChange is natural #God is real #Aspergers
Apr 29, 2018 10 tweets 7 min read
1 - right, this is my 1st attempt at a long thread. I feel I’ve discovered something interesting & a penny has dropped! Some things #DeepState are doing doesn’t make sense on its own but when you put them together, it begins to fit. Happy reading! 2 - okay, here’s a thought... what’s #foodsafety ‘use by’ dates got to do with #chemtrails #GeoEngineering? Chemtrails would fall on everyone including the evil. I believe they only react with certain other chemicals; those in drugs popular with us non-elite...