Grace 🔎 Profile picture
Muckraker, observer...#1 best seller, The Deep State Encyclopedia
Aug 10, 2018 11 tweets 2 min read
As of late, there has been a lot of pressure placed on me to promote or debunk the recent collection of proclaimed “taboo” topics such as “pizzagate” and the events concerning.

I'll address this now. Let’s go back to fall of 2016:

I followed the events surrounding a certain pizza parlor quite fiercely when the story first emerged. There was a series of evidence through which I sorted: factual, circumstantial, and manipulated evidence.
Jun 25, 2018 8 tweets 4 min read
American cities are so expensive that they could increase the risk of a ‘demographic time bomb’

#economy… "Jewish birth rate rose three times higher than the British population, new report finds
And births outside strictly Orthodox rise nearly a fifth in recent years"…
Jun 25, 2018 14 tweets 6 min read
"Can #African clinics help decode #schizophrenia and #bipolar disorder by collecting #DNA from thousands of patients?"

Sounds like a job for Wojcicki sister #3, Janet, #Fulbright scholar. They were looking for ways to ~diversify~ their biobank! 🙄… How Anne and Susan Wojcicki's parents raised the founder of 23andMe and the CEO of YouTube…