How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App “a couple of girls” implies there were more people than have been named. Ford has from now until then to agree to appear still and if she agrees Grassley should accommodate. I’m starting to think her team is naming unrealistic demands they know no legal team would ever agree to because they have no intention of actually testifying. isn’t attacking. WH isn’t attacking. Coneay said accuser should be heard. This is all from the piece he claims conservatives are attacking. Attacking who? absolute best thing about this Medicare for all push is the Democrat intellectual elite thinking people will somehow magically forget which President & party cost them their health plan & doctor last time. executed a search warrant and found weed knew this was coming. 8 years of how badly Obama’s complacency & policies decimated the Democratic Party while distracting them by yassqueening by slow jamming the news. This is the resulting lash out. first Asian woman to ever win a US Open and it will be forgotten by Monday because entire media will focus on Williams with a weeks worth of outage clickbait. are we on a rhetoric update guys? Stelter has the mayor of New York on his show & Chck Todd says to fight back against Fox. Does this count? pls advise. @brianstelter @chucktodd that next time it takes all 4 of them to dig deep into some obscure GOP interns 5 year old Facebook posts. no no no no no no no no entire interview is Brian basically begging Jack Dorsey to get people on twitter to stop saying mean things about him and his profession. What a laughable whine fest.’m sorry is this even a debatable point? “Eat our Pizza, you’ll love it when you’re on the verge of death.”